Monday, March 28, 2011

"I've Always Wanted to Do Something Like This!"

"Can I bring a friend?"..."Do you have any trips out East?"..."Do you go to Alaska?"..."I had no idea something like this even existed."..."How do I sign up?"...Our national parks need more groups like you."..."Can I bring my five year-old?"..."We appreciate the work you're doing"..."Thank you."

Those are just a few of the comments and questions Wilderness Volunteers fielded this weekend at the 2011 Calvary Outdoors Expo, held in Souderton, Pennsylvania just 30 miles north of Philadelphia. We handed out rack cards, showed pictures and video, and shared stories and laughter with a good number of the nearly 10,000 people in attendance. Folks of all ages and backgrounds - even a real-life owner of a chocolate factory who is section hiking the AT - stopped by to learn about WV and express their interest in "Giving Something Back."

Special thanks to Rick and Marge Volpe for organizing the event, as well as Howard Dupee, Joe Maglaty, Ron Eydelloth, and Jen Leonard for enthusiastically representing Wilderness Volunteers.

We'll see you all again next year!

P.S. Interested in doing a Wilderness Volunteers event near you - whether at your local outdoor store, an expo, or anywhere else? Let us know at

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